- Choreography: Juhász Csilla
- Director: Johanna Bertóti
- Music: Ansamblul de Muzică Istorică al Liceului Báthory şi Taraful Fürgölő
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The performance entitled If only King Matthias were alive was conceived on the basis of the folk tradition created around the figure of Matthias I, king of Hungary (reigned between 1458 and1490), evoking the historical and cultural environment in which the king lived. King Matthias is an important historical figure for Cluj, as he was born (in 1443) in this town. The performance is inspired by the folk tales dedicated to him, known to both young and old audiences (King Matthias goes stealing, King Matthias and the Bohemian soldier, King Matthias in Gömör). Thus, the dance performance is an ideal family program, being especially dedicated to children, but adults can also enjoy it. The two dance ensembles (Passeggio and Ördögtérgye), the actors (Csepei Zsolt/ Kun G. Tibor ), and the musicians (Historic Music Ensemble of Báthory High School and Fürgölő Folk Music Ensemble) present a series of scenes where Renaissance and folk dances alternate, all of them accompanied with live music. The narrative line is led by a jester who speaks about King Matthias and his court, using the descriptions of Heltai Gáspár (ca. 1510-1574). Even the title of the performance is inspired by his work, published in 1575 with the title Krónika az magyaroknak viselt dolgairól (Chronicle about the deeds of the Hungarians).
The performance was presented in:
- November 21 and 22, 2015, Cluj-Napoca.
- October 23, 2016, Vlaha and Săvădisla.