Category: Performances
Modus Vivendi
Choreography: Juhász Csilla Director: Kocsis Tünde Music: Florişca Levente (percuţie, chitară), Kelemen Gábor (vioară), Jakabffy Kristóf (violoncel). Youtube Video Facebook Photo Album Modus vivendi focuses on an aspect of life that remains constant regardless of the historical period, namely the concomitant presence of Good and […]
Fedelta d’Amore
Choreography: Juhász Csilla Musicians: Oláh Mátyás (cello), Florişca Levente (percussion), Kelemen Gábor (violin). Youtube Video Facebook Photo Album Fedelta d’Amore is a selection of Renaissance pair dances. This type of dance was greatly appreciated in the period, because it offered an occasion for the development […]
Once Upon a Time…
Choreography: Juhász Csilla Youtube Video Facebook Photo Album Once Upon a Time… Now! A Renaissance Dance Performance for Contemporaries tries a modern approach of Renaissance dance, in order to bring it closer to the present-day public. Seasoned with surprising, many times even comical moments, the performance […]